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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

24 mars 2014

Skimming Back to Last Summer!

Black tailed Skimmer

Orthetrum cancellatum

One of the commonest Skimmers around in late summer is the Black tailed Skimmer. Often found sunning themselves on paths they can be quite hard to spot until they suddenly take flight. I spent some time last year at Highstead Gravel pits, near Reculver, Kent trying to get a decent set of photos of this species which was actually quite hard as this species does not often allow for a close approach. Thankfully a few individuals returned to the same spot in the sun allowing me to already be in position. As ever I will no doubt be back this year trying to obtain better images than last year if I can!

 Male Black tailed Skimmer

 Immature Male Black tailed Skimmer

 Male Black tailed Skimmer

 Immature Male Black tailed Skimmer

 Immature Male Black tailed Skimmer

Immature Male Black tailed Skimmer

Marc Heath

5 commentaires:

  1. Absolument fascinant ! et attachant à la fois... je resterais des heures à observer chaque partie de son corps et la "dentelle" qui forme ses ailes !
    Gros bisous

  2. Hello Marc! Magnificent series! In particular the first and the second image, a marvel of neatness, and rather rare on a stalk, because in more it is used to settling rather on the ground! Greetings, M.

  3. WAOUW, quel boulot !
    Bravo Marc, c'est tout simplement sublime !

  4. You know what?
    That lens you have use last season is really excellent.
    You had a great depth of field and that will change somewhat with the 150 macro Sigma.
    The immature males are stunning and less easy to find than the mature ones.
    Although this dragon is common, your shots are magnificent, congrats!


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