Bienvenue sur ce site principalement dédié à la rencontre avec les Libellules de France et d'Ailleurs.
Qui n'a jamais été émerveillé par leur beauté? Recensements, découvertes, discussions, explications et photographies de qualité sont nos objectifs pour vous faire aimer ces robots vivants!
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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

1 août 2014

More of the Southern Hawker

Aeshna cyanea

Southern Hawker

I had some great close up views of the Male Southern Hawker today, I took 133 photo's of it, here's a few of the ones I kept  :-)


4 commentaires:

  1. Splendide! Que de détails! Le dernier gros plan est superbe de détails. Quelle maitrise! Vraiment bravo!

  2. WOW!!
    Warren you out did yourself here again!
    The beauty of your photos shows how you had a ball with this dragon!
    Absolutely superb!

  3. Well done Warren, a great set of shots of this (these?) young male which still has these adult's colors! Greetings, M.

    1. Morikan,
      It was the same Dragon, it just moved perches ;-)


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