Bienvenue sur ce site principalement dédié à la rencontre avec les Libellules de France et d'Ailleurs.
Qui n'a jamais été émerveillé par leur beauté? Recensements, découvertes, discussions, explications et photographies de qualité sont nos objectifs pour vous faire aimer ces robots vivants!
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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

26 juin 2015

Males of Yellow-spotted Emerald in flight

Somatochlora flavomaculata

Michał & Piotr

7 commentaires:

  1. Hello,
    Pictures of Dragonflies flights are always impressive. congratulations for your photos and your technique (and sorry for my English).
    Best regards

    1. Thank you for your compliments :-). These pictures are cropped.

  2. Truly amazing stuff, here Michal and Piotr!
    First time I see the species flight.
    I only saw and photographed twice up to now!
    Is it fairly common in your area?

    1. They are quite common in our region. They appear on most mid-forest swamps and bogs... Thank you for your appreciation. To perfection a lot of them still missing ...

  3. A great series, bravo! Technically completed! As her fly rather high, no need to bend? I captured it just once, during flight also, but not with this quality of image! Greetings, M.

    1. Our pictures are not perfect, but these are our first photos of this species in flight. We failed to do this year, successful images of Cordulia aenea in the flight... Thank you for your nice comments :-).

  4. They are flying at a height of 1-1.5 meters above the peat bog.


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