Bienvenue sur ce site principalement dédié à la rencontre avec les Libellules de France et d'Ailleurs.
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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

7 nov. 2013

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta)..............

I have more pictures of the Migrant Hawker (Aeshna mixta), but I wanted this to augusstus first place. This (Aeshna mixta) perched on a plant in my backyard. I hope you can appreciate this. The other pictures as soon as I got that sorted out.
 ** Photos are in the enlargement of better quality, so better, sharper and clearer. Just click on the photo itself or on the top picture, you can by clicking or scrolling. ***
Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man  
Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man

Paardenbijter (Aeshna mixta) man  

12 commentaires:

  1. C'est MAGNIFIQUE !!!
    Merci pour ces belles photos.

    1. Vous êtes les bienvenus Nancy :-)
      Cordialement, Helma

  2. Hello Helma! Very beautiful this young male, the eyes have not yet their beautiful color! Magnificent series, a magnificent dive! Greetings, M.

    1. It is indeed a young male Morikan, and he was so nice to plant in my garden.
      I also have pictures of an adult one, but that is still :-)
      Greetings, Helma

  3. Oh, quasiment une émergence, mais que c'est beau ! J'adorerai rencontrer un si jeune individu !

    1. Merci pour votre réponse enthousiaste Alain,
      Je trouve vraiment amusant :-)

  4. Très joli tout ça, la dernière est magnifique pour l'attitude et le flou.

  5. WOW!
    You have not been around for some time on the blogosphere and here you are, back with stunning pictures, Helma!
    This young fellow is gorgeous, let's hope it makes through this never-ending bad weather...
    I have seen one flying in garden yesterday but it never perched! :(

    1. This young man was really nice Noushka and that I had yet to show you :-) I really have a lot of beautiful pictures of dragonflies and damselflies, but the time is often lacking. Next time I'm going to set up a number of dragonflies. From my own site I often many pictures ready;-)
      Greetings, Helma

  6. This series is outstanding, Helma! Fantastic close ups and detail of this beautiful hawker! What a great species to have in your garden!

    1. He allowed me really im my garden keep coming Tanny :-)
      Greetings, Helma


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