Bienvenue sur ce site principalement dédié à la rencontre avec les Libellules de France et d'Ailleurs.
Qui n'a jamais été émerveillé par leur beauté? Recensements, découvertes, discussions, explications et photographies de qualité sont nos objectifs pour vous faire aimer ces robots vivants!
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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

6 juin 2014

Circle of life

Enallagma Cyathigerum

Common Blue Damselfly

Found these today, they rewarded my patience with a few images


3 commentaires:

  1. The "Circle of Life" always makes me think of the great animation movie, the "Lion king"!
    Of course, a mating wheel brings this thought up! ;-)
    Brilliant close-ups, Warren,and so sharp!

  2. Superbe de la belle image, gros plans au top !

  3. Nice mating wheel, and very nice close ups! Greetings, M.


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