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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
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16 sept. 2013

A Cracker at Cliffe!

Lestes barbarus

Southern Emerald Damselfly

Mid July saw me making a visit to Cliffe Marshes RSPB reserve in the north of Kent to see hopefully 2 new species, the Scarce Emerald and South Emerald Damselfly. The weather was quite warm with only a light wind. I was told that I would easily see the Scarce Emerald Damselfly but might struggle with the Southern Emerald Damselfly as only one had been seen a few days earlier. Along with Mike Hook we soon found good numbers of Scarce Emerald Damselfly and a few shots were obtained and as luck would have it, as I was photgraphing the Scarce Emeralds I noticed some movement next to me and looked down near my feet. How lucky was I for I was looking at my first ever Southern Emerald Damselfly. It blended in well with the grasses but the bicoloured pterostigma could be easily seen confirming this species. Thankfully it stayed in the area and we were able to get a number of pleasing images of this very rare British Damselfly. With yet more images in the bag we left very happy indeed, mission accomplished! 

Southern Emerald Damselfly

Marc Heath

6 commentaires:

  1. Ces clichés sont de petites merveilles, et on comprend que tu sois content, bravo !

  2. WOW!
    Magnificent shots, Marc!
    How great to discover them on the other side of the channel!
    Indeed the bicolored pterostygma are very typical, making this damsel quite identifyable!
    This is one species that normally frequents my lake, but I hardly saw any this year
    Love this post!

  3. Marc, incredible photos! The emerald is gorgeous! Congrats on your rare find!

  4. great job marc, the leste is well detached from background, the ligth is very good too, sharped details, it s a pleasure to watch =))
    bye, eric

  5. This beautiful series of Lestes barbarus. Crystal clear and beautiful macros. This really enjoy.
    My compliments.
    Greetings, Helma

  6. Yes Marc ! You knew how to perfectly domesticate this "barbarian", magnificent photos and a luxurious close-up! Best Regards, M.


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