Bienvenue sur ce site principalement dédié à la rencontre avec les Libellules de France et d'Ailleurs.
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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

13 sept. 2013

Ischnura elegans and Coenagrion puella.....

This Ischnura elegans and Coenagrion puella I took in May and July near my house in a small nature reserve (The Weelen) gefotografeerd. Ischnura elegans in May and Coenagrion puella in July. I'm all set with the 105 F2.8 DG Macro lens Sigma. Both I could capture in a mating wheel.

Mating Ischnura elegans

Mating Ischnura elegans

Mating Ischnura elegans

Mating Ischnura elegans

Mating Wheel Ischnura elegans
 Also a mating of Coenagrion puella capture.
 Coenagrion puella capture.

Wings of a Coenagrion puella

Mating Wheel Coenagrion puella
Mating Coenagrion puella
 The nature reserve "The Weelen" is not on the map of the Netherlands. I've omitted in error because most dragonflies that I photograph in the other areas that I do have indicated.


14 commentaires:

  1. Hi Helma, this is a great series of this species mating behaviors! I always love to see the heart-shaped copulation wheel! Very well done!

    1. Hi Tammy, thank you for your comment. it's always nice to see. mating wheel The damsels but also the dragonflies :-)
      Greetings, Helma

  2. Magnificent photos Helma,
    You really managed to get very close! How interesting to see this mating wheel so well.
    Helma, photo N°3 is not Ishnura elegans: it is the same as N°7.
    The best is to remove it!
    Congratulations again for this series!

    1. Pour la 3, l'image a peut-être été changée entre ton passage et le mien ?

    2. Hello Noushka,
      you were right. I had the same pictures put down by mistake 2. I have now changed this in the right picture of the Ischnura elegans.
      Thank you for your comment :-)
      Greetings, Helma

    3. C'est vrai Morikan. J'ai lu la réaction de Noushka et je suis allé dans la gestion de placer image :-) Geode il
      Désolé pour le désagrément.

  3. Que c'est beau, bravo Helma !
    Pour Noushka, je ne comprends pas ta remarque, la 3 est bien un I elegans...

    1. Alain Merci pour votre commentaire. Noushka était juste parce que j'ai eu la mauvaise image affichée là. J'ai changé ce dans la photo de droite a dû rester là.
      Salutations, Helma

  4. Wow, Helma, a fantastic series ! The close-up are really magnificent ! As Alain, I don't understand, Noushka : the 3rd is I. elegans, otherwise I'm an archbishop ! Thank you for these pics, Helma, M.

    1. Hello Morikan,
      Thank you for your comment about this uncomplimentary photos and macros. You're not hearing archbishop because there was indeed a wrong picture. I have changed this in the right picture of the I. elegans.
      Greetings, Helma

    2. As Bob said : "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right" ! Greetings, M.

    3. Lol .... and so it is Morikan;-)
      Greetings, Helma

  5. OH lala!
    Pauvre Helma!
    Elle a été si rapide à changer son image que personne n'a eu le temps de la voir!
    Tout est en ordre à présent,

    1. Je vais maintenant accorder plus d'attention Noushka lol .....


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