Bienvenue sur ce site principalement dédié à la rencontre avec les Libellules de France et d'Ailleurs.
Qui n'a jamais été émerveillé par leur beauté? Recensements, découvertes, discussions, explications et photographies de qualité sont nos objectifs pour vous faire aimer ces robots vivants!
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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

21 oct. 2013

Flight of the Hawkers!

Aeshna mixta

Migrant Hawker

One of those challenges taken on some of the visits this year was to try to photograph some Migrant Hawkers in flight, a task that is sometimes easier said than done. Occasionally you come across a few individuals that pose for you and give you that opportunity to grab a few shots. There is still work to be done but a few pleasing images were obtained at Reculver, England this year and last.

Migrant Hawker

Marc Heath

7 commentaires:

  1. Awful! A fantastic precision and sharpness, bravo for these magnificent images! Best Regards, M.

  2. These are incredible, Marc! Truly fantastic!!! These flight captures are definitely a tough task!

  3. Wouahhaouu ! Cette libellule en plein vol est MAJESTUEUSE !
    MERCI Marc pour ces belles photos ! EXTRAS !

  4. Quelle belle série, le vol de la belle A mixta est parfait, j'adore, bravo Marc !

  5. Fantastic, Marc!
    An exercise I haven't practiced enough this season!

  6. Really beautiful! You could capture this vleigend means that you master your camera. Bravo!
    Greetings, Helma


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