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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

28 oct. 2013

The Four Spotted Chaser

Libellula quadrimaculata

Four Spotted Chaser

This year in England seems to have been very good for the Four Spotted Chaser. On a trip to Thursley Common back in Surrey in mid July they seemed to be everywhere and I cannot remember seeing quite so many before at a single site. Back nearer to home at Highstead, just south of Reculver, there were a few showy individuals which allowed me to grab a few pleasing images and take the time to study this species. As with a lot of Chasers, they would fly out and often return to the same perch. This thankfully made the task a little easier to take some photos. 

Four Spotted Chaser

Marc Heath

8 commentaires:

  1. Hello Marc! It's a real pleasure to see it again so at the end of season! But 4 images only: I find the very short series! ;-) Always a big precision for these pictures! Greetings, M.

  2. Bonsoir,

    L'élégance ultime... Je reste sans voix et admirative...
    Gros bisous

  3. Magique, que de brillance par ici ! Bravo.
    Mais que trafique-t-elle sur la 3 ?

  4. Impressive shots, Marc!
    And you show us both sexes!
    Some individuals are extremely beautiful; surly they are not scarce in your area...
    Pic N°2 stands out!
    I see you were not long to pic Nathalie's idea to frame your photos with a white border! LOL!

    1. Yes with the dark background to the blog the white border makes the photos stand out well. Just keep a dark background please.

  5. Beautiful captures, Marc! Your photos have such wonderful detail, as always!

  6. Ah, ces 4 taches, qui enchantent nos débuts de saison, et tu leur rends un bel hommage, Marc !


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