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Welcome to this blog dedicated to the Dragonflies of France and elsewhere. Who hasn't felt in awe by their beauty? Census, discoveries, talks, explanations and quality photographs are the main objectives here!
To publish your dragonfly photos here, read the Publishing Conditions and contact Noushka at the link above.

21 juil. 2015

Our first meeting with the Green Hawker

Aeshna viridis

The Green Hawker Aeshna viridis is a very interesting species. It is closely connected with the Water Soldier Stratiotes aloides and occurs only in tanks on which she grows. Females of Green Hawker lay eggs in to the leaf of this plant, larval development also takes place between leaves, which provide a good hiding place. It has long been looking for sites of this species in our province, but so far to no avail. To view this dragonfly we went to one of few known sites in south-western Poland - apart from a compact range of its occurrence. We managed to find a few exuviae, pick one larva and observed one female and one male of this species. Unfortunately, we managed to photograph only a female. Pictures are not perfect, but they are our first photographs of this species, which is protected by law in our country.

Michał & Piotr

9 commentaires:

  1. Wow Wow Wow! This species is a new one for our blog! Unfortunately unknown in France, we would have maybe to import Stratiotes aloides! The pictures of this female are magnificent, whiat a beautiful species, and sites, plants and exuvies moreover, bravo! Greetings, M.

  2. Fantastic job, Michal and Piotr!
    What a rarity indeed!
    I think your pictures are excellent.
    This female is indeed very green and its pronotum is quite specific.
    Thanks for showing also the habitat which I believe is quite particular, I reed in the Dijkstra that the species is considered endangered in the countries where it lives. Let's hope it thrives again one day...
    The exuvia is typically ashnidae"!!, the mask is impressive and the image very sharp!
    What lens do you use?
    Congratulations, I will add the link for the species ;-)

    1. Thank you for your kind words. All photos were taken by the same set of Nikon D7100 + Tamron 90 mm. In two weeks we'll go to this place to photograph a male. We hope to see him :-). Thank you for quickly adding a link.
      Greetings from sunny and "tropical" Poland.

    2. OK, thanks for the feedback about your lens :)
      You reconcile me with Tamron but I still believe the Macro Sigma 150mm is tops!!!

    3. Most of the pictures of Michael is taken the Macro Sigma 150. Only this time we both used Tamron 90. The Macro Sigma 150 mm is a very good lens!

    4. Thanks for reply :)
      Again, congrats!!

  3. Hello,
    Thanks for showing the habitat of this rare dragonfly. Your pictures are excellents and there is a scientific approach in the way you photograph.
    Thank you for sharing and Sorry I don't speak english.

    1. J'en connais qui apprend l'anglais big time!!! MDR!!!
      Tu t'en sors très bien!!!


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